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We are your home away from home. Know more about us.

Ivy Hill Assisted Care is a licensed assisted living care rest home in Massachusetts serving ailing and aging individuals. We are committed to the quality of life, comfort, satisfaction, and health of every person under our care. As such, we see to it that the level of care and support provided are of the utmost compassion, respect, and the highest standards of care there is. Ivy Hill Assisted Care abides by the laws, rules, and regulations established by the local, state, and federal authorities to guarantee safety and competence.

caregiver and senior woman playing jigsaw puzzle

Our Mission

It is our mission to enrich the lives of every individual under our care through the providence of a family-centered, proactive approach to care and a home-like environment that give them the opportunity to receive all the necessary care, support, attention, and love they need and deserve.

Our Vision

We envision to be one of the highly acknowledged licensed assisted living care rest homes in Massachusetts for quality care and homely treatment and environment. Our goal is to help individuals under our care to achieve their optimum health potential and enjoy their life to the fullest within a safe, conducive, loving environment.

Tell Us What You Think

Feel free to contact us online should you have questions and concerns. We are always open to any of your inquiries, and we’ll be glad to serve you!